
JustMarkets team wants to inform you that some technical works will take place in the trading system from 10:00 till 18:00 (GMT+2), on January 30, 2021. Due to this fact, some functions may be limited.
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Kullanıcı deneyiminizi iyileştirmek ve MetaTrader 5 platformunda oturum açmayı daha da kolay bir hâle getirmek için, yatırım ayarlarını bu hafta basitleştiriyoruz. Şirket ismi bundan böyle "JFGlobal Limited" değil, "JustMarkets Technologies Ltd" olarak görünecek.
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Dear clients, This Sunday (January 17, 2021) from 15:00 till 17:00 (GMT +2) all crypto CFDs won't be available for trading because of the planned technical maintenance on the side of liquidity provider. Please consider this information while trading. Thank you for understanding. Best regards, JustMarkets team
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Please be aware that due to the technical issues on the side of the Liquidity Providers we face interruptions in receiving quotes. This issue may occur while trading the following instruments: BTCUSD, ETHUSD. These pairs have been switched to the close-only mode to ensure our clients' funds safety.
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