Brett Steenbarger is a renowned expert in trading psychology, focusing on helping traders understand and improve their mental framework to achieve consistent profitability. His work spans several books, articles, and blog posts where he shares practical insights from psychology, coaching, and market experience. Below are the main points of his approach to trading psychology:

1. Self-awareness and emotional intelligence are key to success

Steenbarger emphasizes that self-awareness is the foundation of successful trading. Traders must deeply understand their emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and behavior patterns. Emotional intelligence – the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s emotions and those of others – is critical. Traders must cultivate emotional resilience to cope with stress, fear, and greed, often leading to poor decision-making.

Steenbarger regularly emphasizes that emotional self-control allows traders to remain disciplined and stick to their trading plans despite market volatility and uncertainty.

2. The importance of preparation and continuous improvement

Preparation is a recurring theme in Steenbarger’s writings. He advocates thorough pre-market preparation in which traders define their strategies, set goals, and identify potential market scenarios. Such planning helps traders map a roadmap for their trading day, reducing impulsive decisions and increasing focus.

In addition, Steenbarger believes that continuous improvement is essential. He encourages traders to regularly review their results, analyze mistakes, and look for ways to improve their skills. Learning from both winning and losing trades is vital for long-term success. He views trading as an activity similar to professional sports, where continuous skill improvement is necessary to remain competitive.

3. Developing a process-oriented mindset

According to Steenbarger, successful trading is not about focusing on profits but the process that leads to those profits. Traders should focus on executing their strategies correctly, following their trading plans, and adhering to risk management rules. By focusing on the process rather than the outcome, traders can reduce the emotional impact of individual trades, allowing them to remain disciplined.

Process-oriented thinking also helps traders develop consistency in their actions, which leads to more predictable results over time. This shift in focus from results to process is the cornerstone of Steenbarger’s approach to trading psychology.

4. The role of cognitive biases and mental traps

Steenbarger emphasizes recognizing and managing cognitive biases and mental traps that can impair trading decisions. Biases such as confirmation bias, anchoring, and overconfidence can lead to distorted market perception and poor decision-making.

He teaches traders to identify these biases in themselves and develop strategies to mitigate their effects. For example, keeping a trading diary can help traders analyze their decisions and recognize patterns of cognitive biases. Such self-analysis allows traders to adjust their thinking and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

5. Developing adaptability and flexibility

Market conditions constantly change, and traders must adapt to them to succeed. Steenbarger emphasizes that rigid adherence to a certain strategy or mindset can be disastrous when market conditions change. Traders must develop flexibility and be open to adjusting their strategies and approaches as needed.

Adaptability also involves recognizing a state of personal efficiency. Steenbarger suggests that traders monitor their mental and emotional state throughout the trading day, recognizing when they are at their best and when to pull back to avoid costly mistakes.

6. The Power of Positive Psychology

Steenbarger draws on advances in positive psychology to help traders improve their performance. He advocates methods that promote well-being, such as cultivating gratitude, optimism, and a growth mindset. By focusing on their strengths and maintaining a positive attitude, traders can increase their resilience and stay motivated even during challenging periods.

Positive psychology also supports the idea that traders should enjoy the process of trading and view it as a fun activity, not just a means to an end. This thinking can reduce stress and help traders maintain their passion for the markets in the long run.

7. Social support and cooperation

Steenbarger emphasizes the importance of social support and cooperation in trading. While trading is often seen as a solitary endeavor, he believes socializing with other traders, mentors, or coaches can provide valuable feedback, support, and perspective. Participating in the trading community can also help traders stay accountable and motivated.

Collaborating and sharing ideas can lead to discoveries, challenge assumptions, and foster learning. Steenbarger advises traders to seek supportive relationships and networks to enhance their trading.

8. Balance between life and trade

Steenbarger recognizes the importance of balance between trading and other aspects of life. Over-investing time and energy in trading at the expense of personal relationships, health, and well-being can lead to burnout and reduced performance. He advises traders to maintain a healthy work-life balance by caring for their physical and mental health.

By maintaining a balance, traders can keep their energy and focus for longer periods, avoiding the pitfalls of over-trading or emotional exhaustion.


Brett Steenbarger’s approach to trading psychology is to develop self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a focus on continuous improvement. By developing a process-oriented mindset, managing cognitive biases, and maintaining adaptability, traders can improve their performance and achieve sustained success. Steenbarger’s work serves as a guide for traders to not only master the market but also themselves, promoting a holistic approach to trading that integrates personal well-being with professional performance.