Nicolas Darvas’s book “How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market” is a classic in investing literature. Originally published in 1960, it details Darvas’s journey from becoming a professional dancer to a successful stock trader. The book is unique in its blend of personal narrative and practical advice, providing readers with valuable insights into his trading philosophy and methods. Below are the main theses and key takeaways from the book:

1. The Darvas Box Theory

Central to Darvas’s strategy is his Box Theory, a technical analysis method he developed. This approach involves identifying stocks trading within a certain range, or “box.” When the stock price breaks out of this box upwards or downwards, it signals a potential buying or selling opportunity. Darvas used this method to identify strong upward trends and capitalize on them.

2. Trend Following

Darvas was a proponent of trend following, a strategy where traders aim to ride the momentum of a stock’s price movement. He believed in investing in stocks already moving upward and selling them when the trend showed signs of reversing. This approach allowed him to minimize losses and maximize gains by staying on the right side of the market.

3. Emphasis on Technical Analysis

The author emphasizes the importance of technical analysis over fundamental analysis. Darvas placed less emphasis on fundamental analysis, such as studying a company’s financial statements or industry prospects. Instead, he focused on price movements and trading volume as market sentiment indicators. He believed the stock price reflects all available information, making it more reliable than traditional fundamental metrics.

4. Risk Management

The book stresses the significance of risk management in trading. Darvas strongly advocated using stop-loss orders to protect against significant losses. He would set a predetermined price at which a stock would be sold if it moved against his position. This technique helped him limit potential losses and preserve capital for future investments.

5. Avoiding Overtrading

One of the lessons Darvas learned during his early years of trading was the danger of overtrading. He stressed the importance of patience and waiting for the right opportunities rather than constantly buying and selling stocks.

6. Psychological Discipline

Darvas emphasized the need for psychological discipline when trading stocks. He discussed the challenges of managing emotions such as greed and fear, which can impact decision-making.

7. Learning from Mistakes

Darvas’s book is also a testament to learning from one’s mistakes. He candidly discusses his errors early in his trading career, such as chasing hot tips and not sticking to his strategy. These experiences taught him valuable lessons that he incorporated into his trading methodology.

8. Consistency and Persistence

Lastly, Darvas’s story is a testament to the power of consistency and persistence. He achieved his success not through luck or chance but through diligent research, disciplined execution, and a relentless pursuit of his goals. His journey underscores the importance of staying committed to one’s strategy despite setbacks.


“How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market” remains a valuable resource for new and experienced traders. Darvas’s principles of psychological discipline, trend following, and the importance of a well-defined strategy resonate with investors today. The book serves as both an inspirational success story and a practical guide to stock market trading,